Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Fill your boots, this is my version of 'super Tuesday'....

Esther is excited about the new netball season.

Esther I’m exicited about having a massive post curry dump this morning. It’s going to be as immense as it is enjoyable as it is messy.
What? Too much information? Exactly….

Georgie is in pain... in oh so many ways!

So are my eyes are now I'd like to think that this is because, at the time of updating, Georgie was being made 'air tight, if you are aware of that term from the 'special interest' movies that, I understand, are available on line. She almost certainly wasn't, but it's the only way, the only way, I'd be vaguely interested

Jessica is heading home tomorrow, bye bye India, hello Miami!!!

You're from the Home Counties, Miami isn't fucking home and calling it that doesn't make you a) any cooler b) more interesting or C Will Smith (who admittedly isn't actually from Miami but I understand he is a huge fan). Fuck me for a moment I thought I’d accidentally become friends with Gloria Estefan or at the very least one of the ‘Sound Machine’

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